I decided to build Dave’s simple sheet metal brake for some of the longer bends on the scratch-built fuselage. I bought my steel from Service Steel, Inc., but didn’t originally tell them I was using the steel in a sheet metal brake and I needed the steel as straight as possible. Two of the 8′ lengths were almost perfect and I riveted them together with a steel hinge. The third piece was to be bolted on top to clamp down on the metal being bent, but it was bowed by 1/8″. Unable to think of a method of bending the steel that didn’t involve doing dangerous things with cars or car jacks, I contacted Service Steel and they let me trade the piece out for a straighter piece that worked great.
Here I am after bending the first 38″ piece. I am going to work my way up to the longer ones as I determine if I have a sufficient number of bolts and if my handles are satisfactory.