Monthly Archives: August 2012

Turtledeck Rivets

My parents visited this weekend and dad helped me rivet the seat belt attachments, parts of the rear fuselage, and turtle deck.  Earlier in the week I deburred most of the formers and the turtledeck skin.

We spent a lot of time inside the fuselage riveting and positioning formers so the person outside could rivet.

Most of the turtledeck clecos have been replaced with rivets.


Turtledeck formers

Mark Spencer and a friend came over and helped me get the formers positioned.  I sat inside the fuselage, pushing and pulling on each former while Mark gave me directions to get the marker line centered in the holes.  They then drilled the holes and clecoed the formers.

Notice all the new silver clecos.  I wish I had a bunch more copper ones now.